Do you believe in life after love? a song that takes me 20 years in the past!!

vinyl, retro, plastic-1595847.jpg

Its 2002… Downtown Chicago. I’m 19 years old going on 20 about to end my set for a very “Disco” party crowd, if ya catch my drift. At this point in my career I was more of a statistical Dj, rating songs as I played them in a journal then the instinctual mechanic I have now become!!!

At the end of each night I would go though my book and see what song was getting the best reactions from the crowds and I would keep track of what songs I was getting paid out on. It is much more common practice with in certain cultures to tip out for everything, something we don’t see here in Columbus as much for what ever reason. Anyway, I would keep track of how much cash I would get to play each request and slowly a trend emerged….. Cher….. DO YOU BEEEEEEELLLLLIEVE IN LIFE AFTER LOVEEEEE!!!!

No joke…for a good 6 to 8 months of my life I was making an extra 1 to 2 hundred extra dollars a night(a lot of money at the time)… just from tips on Cher. Play the track… 27 min later some joker slips me a 20 to play it again cause his girl was in the bathroom putting on her Aqua net when it played the first time. Another 19 min after that a bachelorette party drops me a 50 spot to play it right when they get there and again when they leave the club. Then, an hour later the same dude who slipped me a 20 to play it earlier in the night gives me another 40 to play it again cause he’s so blown out of his mind and forgot I’ve played it 5 times already….. and rinse and repeat… twice a week for 8 months…….

Now here we are in 2024 and Cher is back in rotation…. and thats all I have to say about that

Health and Happiness!!!!